Monday, July 15, 2019

Swift Sweeping

Another week, another craft! And this time, it's home-centric. You see, I'll be moving into a new apartment at the end of the summer. It's going to be my first time with a place entirely to myself: no family, no roommates, nothing. To be honest, I'm a little nervous for the change, but also pretty excited!

Having a place to yourself also means having the chores all to yourself, though, which I'm... shall we say, less enthused about. I don't hate chores, I just don't love them. I also don't love throwing out lots of disposable cleaning wipes and Swiffer mop pads and whatnot every time I clean: it just feels wasteful.

Well. A few minutes of searching on Ravelry and I found a solution to at least one of those problems: reusable swiffer pads! These are super easy to make, they teach you a couple of fun weird stitches, and they're useful to boot!

Here's the finished duster pad. I personally think it looks like a mossy forest floor!

And the mop pad, which is a bit reminiscent of hard candy!

I had three skeins of worsted weight cotton yarn, and that was enough to make two of each kind of pad, with just a tiny bit of yarn left over.

Because they're made of cotton, these pads can just be tossed into the washing machine when they're dirty. I love projects that are easy to maintain too!

Expect more projects for around the home in the coming months. Like I said, this is my first time with an apartment entirely to myself, which means I need to fill it with stuff. From practical projects like this one, to decoration, to things that are a bit of both, I've got my work cut out for me. Stay tuned if you want ideas for your own projects, and as always, stay crafty!

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