Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Finished Taako Cosplay

And now, folks, the moment you've all been waiting for! For once in my life, I've actually taken photos of a finished cosplay and posted them in a reasonable amount of time. So without further ado, I present to you: Taako!

Unfortunately, some of the images are a little grainy. It's difficult to take good photos of yourself when all you have is a phone camera and a bunch of textbooks playing the role of tripod. What can I say? If I waited for a better camera and an actual photographer, you all would be kept in suspense until next Halloween!

The perceptive among you might notice that I never made the corset belt that was in my original concept design. This wasn't an oversight: I actually did make a prototype belt, and it worked pretty well. However, when trying it on, I realized something: corset belts really accentuate your curves. Taako's a male elf and I'm a female human, so that detail wasn't really working in my favor, so I ended up scrapping it. Not that I went to huge lengths to crossplay in the first place... I basically just put on a sports bra...

Have I mentioned that Taako is super fun to cosplay? He's just so over the top! That's the opposite of how I act in real life, so it's really fun to pretend!

And that concludes Halloween 2019! Overall, I'd say I'm happy with it! If I had more time, there are some things I would have changed or added (like modifying the umbrella I bought, or coming up with a more interesting hairstyle), but those are mostly nitpicks. The project also taught me a lot of new skills, especially working with foam. Maybe for my next cosplay, I'll experiment more with foam and prosthetics!

With that being said, I think I'm going to wait a while before I start a new cosplay. As fun as they are, they're a big crafting commitment, and I'd like to do some smaller projects to recharge. Hopefully, that means my schedule will become a bit more predictable again. No promises just yet, but stay tuned and we shall see. And until next time, stay crafty!

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