Saturday, June 9, 2018

A Friend Indeed

Well, it's sure been a busy week here! I just started work in a new summer program, and it has been intense catching up on ongoing projects and figuring out what to do next. It's really interesting work, and I'm excited to be a part of it, but at the same time I'm stressed, nervous, and exhausted from doing so much new stuff. I feel like I need to cuddle with a puppy for two hours and then sleep for two days!
There might not be a basket of puppies waiting for me at home (sadly), but I do have a cheerleader of sorts. This little guy has been with me in good times and bad, always willing to stick up for me and encourage me to do my best. And its name is Dumpling Kitty.

...No, this is not a joke. Dumpling Kitty believes in you wholeheartedly. It doesn't just think you can do it: it knows you can! And if you need to talk through a tough problem, pet something soft, or have someone hold your hand during a difficult experience, Dumpling Kitty will happily lend an ear (or paw).
In all seriousness, I crocheted this cat (the pattern is actually called "dumpling kitty") a while ago, and my friends and I started to personify it as a joke. But somehow, it developed a pure, caring personality as we goofed about. We started to pass in around to whoever was having a tough time, and it accumulated all the collective caring of each person who used it and passed it on. Dumpling Kitty said something that we didn't quite know how to put into words: that we cared, we were there for each other, and together we could make it through the hard times and celebrate the good. I highly recommend that you make a Dumpling Kitty of your own. It doesn't have to be this pattern (or a cat at all), but the care with which it's made and the kindness in which it's given will show through. And on tough, stressful days, remember this: Dumpling Kitty believes in you.

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