Tuesday, September 25, 2018

OC (Outrageous Colors)

Hello hello! I've been having fun with colors, lately. Specifically, color palette challenges. If you've never heard of the color palette challenge, it's when you're given a small set of colors (usually 4-5) to use to make a drawing. You're not allowed to use any colors but the ones you're given in the palette, though blending is usually allowed!

If you're an aspiring digital artist, I really recommend trying these challenges out. I've been using this palette from Death in Heavens on Tumblr, but there are a thousand options out there, and you can make your own too! I thought it might be fun to use my OC (Azure) from an RP game I've been playing as the subject for a series of palette challenges. She's not usually a mermaid or a fairy, but hey, the colors spoke to me! Here are the results: warning for some totally non-sexual exposed breasts if you're bothered by that sort of thing.

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