Monday, February 4, 2019

Stamp Style

Wow, this was a busy weekend for me! I almost forgot to put something up here, but fortunately I have a backlog of projects to share with you. This one is a continuation of my latest craft acquisition: linoleum block printing!

The first project I did was on an actual linoleum block, but you can also carve softer, rubbery blocks with the same tools and techniques. I figured I'd try my hand at both to see what I liked better. I couldn't think of a good use for another big standalone print, though, so I went in the opposite direction size-wise.

Stamps! They're so fun, you can put them on whatever you want. Make a store-bought card more personal! Decorate your notebook pages! Heck, just stamp things indiscriminately because you feel like it! Okay, maybe stick to things that are your property. Some people might not like stamps quite so much.

Regardless, I know I'll be finding every excuse I can to use these little guys. They're even cuter in color! (And forgive the terrible scan. I thought it would be better than phone photos, but no such luck.)

There's not much else to say about these guys. They're cute. They're woodland themed. There's a random monster stuck in there, because why not? Rather than ramble on, I think I'll go and stamp some more things. Stay crafty, everyone!

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