Sunday, September 29, 2019

An Update

Hey everyone. Long time no see!

...About that.

Things have been a little rough over here. I mentioned moving before, but I've also just started graduate school. It's a big change, to say the least. I knew that the whole process was going to make crafting a posting difficult for a while, but even after settling in, I'm not back to full power. Too many changes have me feeling drained, I guess. As a result, I haven't had much of anything to share with you all, or energy to write up any posts.

I feel bad about falling behind on my weekly posting during all this. I have no idea if anyone reads this blog regularly, but if there's even one person who does, I'm sorry I wasn't able to keep up my schedule. I'd rather be kind to myself than put myself down over past failings though.

All of this is a long-winded way of telling you that, for the time being, I'm not going to be posting on any sort of schedule. I'll still share projects when I finish them, of course (hopefully Taako will appear in time for Halloween), but I'm not going to push myself to have something every single week. If and when I feel like I can keep a schedule again, you'll be the first to know.

Thanks for understanding. Stay crafty.

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