Sunday, October 13, 2019

Cosplay with a Chorus

Hello! Time for some actual content, hooray! And rather different, special content as well. For you see, today I have a video for you.

It occurred to me that I never actually showed you my completed Aubrey Little cosplay from last Halloween. I did complete it, and I had a great time dressing up as the Lady Flame for a friend's small costume party, but I never went and photographed it. But as those of you who follow the Adventure Zone know, they recently finished their second main story, the one with Aubrey in it. It's very bittersweet to let those characters go, even though I'm excited for what's in store for us next.

That was enough on its own to get me thinking I should break out my cosplay for another spin, but then I was listening to Shmanners. This is yet another podcast in the McElroy empire, and it happens to be co-hosted by Travis, the very man who plays Aubrey in TAZ. A few weeks ago, he mentioned hearing a rendition of the John Denver song "Country Roads" while on a trip, and it making him very emotional and nostalgic for his childhood home in West Virginia. TAZ: Amnesty is also set in West Virginia, coincidentally enough, and the wheels started turning. I have a ukulele. I have an Aubrey costume. I could, just maybe, make a video of "Aubrey" playing an ode to the place that played such a big role in her life.

I've been hesitant to post it though. Truth be told, it doesn't live up to my normal standards of what I share, such as they are. I don't have any recording equipment, for sound or video, other than my cell phone, and nowhere to do it but in my living room (overlooking a fairly busy street, no less). I also have no formal voice or ukulele training whatsoever. And probably most importantly, I have a deep aversion to being on camera. It's actually why I didn't get around to sharing photos of the cosplay: I didn't forget, I just found excuses not to. Something about looking at myself (or hearing myself in videos) just doesn't sit right with me. That said, this idea hit me so powerfully, and I didn't see anyone else try it. If it's going to exist in the world, it's going to be me, I guess.

Enough hedging my bets. I don't like looking at it personally, but I do hope you enjoy!

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